Reiki Healing Sessions
In-person Reiki SessionIn a typical in-person Reiki session, the practitioner uses a gentle, laying-on of hands. The Reiki Practitioner applies a very light touch, or sometimes just places hands a few inches above the recipient's body while channeling the Reiki energy. The recipient may share information about what they would like focused on, or may ask for an overall wellness treatment, focusing on the seven major chakras (energy centers) to bring balance to the whole body, mind and spirit.
Reiki is a very powerful, yet gentle energy which is deeply relaxing and creates a sense of well-being. It is usually experienced as a profound feeling of warmth and comfort, and many clients often fall asleep during the session. What Reiki is Not
Before your Session
Simple Grounding ExerciseTime: 1-3 minutes
This is best done outside but can be done indoors; you may sit if not able to stand.